Wednesday, March 13, 2013

"This Means That"

This Means This, This Means That: A User's Guide to Semiotics by Sean Hall

This is a very interesting reading about semiotics, which is the study of signs and symbols. It talks about how semiotics is really about understanding meaning in different ways. Symbols are important because they mean something other than themselves. An apple can mean a variety of different things, one example being sin or temptation when viewed in a Biblical context. When we read messages, a lot is dependent on the context; all signs are created within the context of a specific society and many symbols depend on extensive background cultural knowledge in order to understand. 

I really liked the way this reading was set up, presenting images and posing questions followed by explanations. It was relatively simple and very understandable. I think it's amazing that symbols can have such powerful influence. For example, Hall mentions the symbol of the Nazi party which, while originally a Hindu symbol for luck, changed and came to be powerfully associated for people today with murder and genocide. I liked the section on similes and metaphors, which are very often used in visual communication. I never realized how central metaphor is in advertising. Overall, it was a very worthwhile read.

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